Wednesday 25 March 2009

We have wheels :)

There was much excitement today as the Rushton family finally got four wheels in the shape of shiney new bikes for me and Andy with kiddie seats fitted to the backs for the pixies.
I haven't had a bike since i was about 14yrs old so was very excited and a bit nervous about how easy it would be to ride with a Daisy on the back. So while Andy collected the bikes one by one from the Halfords down the road me and Daisy made room in the shed for our new babies .

A hug for Doodles

me and Daisy on our maiden voyage down the back alley ! It was surprisingly easy to ride with a pixie passenger on the back even one that kept poking my back .

Daisy in her new pink flowery bike helmet looking a bit apprehensive .

We decided we really needed to test our bikes out so we went to the park for a zoom about ,Daisy really seemed to enjoy it especially going down the hill where she went weeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Daddy and Ben

riding off into the distance . We are hoping to go on a bike adventure at the weekend so fingers crossed for no rain x


  1. hope the rain stays off for you , have a lovely weekend on your bike adventures !!x

  2. Brilliant! (We have 1 adult bike, 1 child's bike and two bike seats so far, so one more adult bike to go and we will be mobile too lol!)
    Have a lovely weekend adventure :)
    Gina xxx
