Tuesday 25 August 2009

enjoying being back home

After what has been a pretty unsettling couple of weeks it was therapeutic and calming to be able to get back to doing our usual day to day activity's and as the sun was shinning we thought where better to go than our local nature reserve which is at its most beautiful this time of year.
taking this photo took some guts on my part ,ever since Bens fell in the lake in the park ive been really nervous with the pixies around water and usually follow them around closely making sure im always in grab reach, thankfully it hasn't rubbed off on Ben who is as confident as ever :)

looking for fishes

Ben spent the whole time at the playground running round and round pushing the roundabout.

my pretty girl playing with her cars,

After Daisy's nap we made some homemade popcorn Ben was very excited and ran to get his wooden xylophone as he said the popping popcorn sounded the same as his xylophone :)

Pixies busy munching popcorn on our naked sofa (covers in the wash )

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