Thursday 6 August 2009

fun mother in-law visit

After all the rain it was so nice to be able to go for a sunny walk in the park . Daisy found a evil McDonnalds happy meal box and took rather a liking to it so decided to collect leaves and petals and twigs in it while she toddled along i had to fight the urge to take it off her .

Ben helped me make some Spelt bread before dinner, this is the face of someone caught eating the dough :)

This is my current pregnancy craving ,raw crunchy veg mmmmmmmm smiley face optional :)

i forgot to buy some more self raising flour for making muffins so we made Spelt cinnamon and Heather Honey cookies :) and then Nana turned up with a tin full of fairy cakes with Smarties on top which made my cookies look a bit boring in comparison :(
She then came out with the weirdest thing ever ! she asked 'do we know what it is yet?' meaning baby's gender i said no we wernt going to find out this time she said 'ok just as long as its not a 'Willywoofter' (her word for being gay) and did a limp wristed action !!!!???? she totally knocked me speechless i ended up scampering into the kitchen to make her a cup of tea ! she then started comparing Daisy's speech to Bens saying Daisy could speak alot better and clearer than Ben with Ben sat right next to her, poor little man :( ugh ! how i enjoy her visits .


  1. Oh No, what a nightmare comment to have to deal with!

    And I know exactly what you mean about fighting the urge to take the happy meal box away. Mia once chose a soft toy dog from the charity shop and when we were walking in the park, I realised the label said Mcdonald's and I could hardly wait to get home and cut it off as I was worried people would think we'd been eating there lol!

    Gina xxx

  2. Lucy- I just accidentally clicked on the 'first post' bit of your blog but, when it came up, I cannot believe how much Daisy has grown since that photo, it really surprised me!! Where does the time go??

    Love Gina xx

  3. Just left a blog award for you on my blog :)

  4. those cookies look yummy to me. where's the recipe from?:-)
    and ikwym about the evil macdonalds. lol.
