Saturday 10 April 2010

running with Doodles

Molly has been particularly unsettled this last week, she wakes up every hour during the night for a feed and gets so tired during the day but wont have a nap and then gets very upset because shes so tired. I'm finding new depths of tiredness and even with my family to help I'm finding it all hard . because of the tired mummy and upset Molly Ive been trying to keep life simple and gentle.
Daisy's favourite place to play is on the tree stump in the garden .

Ben enjoying some running round the garden in his pants.

Ive been trying to get out of the house at least once a day so the pixies can let off some steam .Ben really enjoys holding doodles lead and running along side her .

only problem is shes half greyhound so is rather faster than him at running :)

Molly having a happy kick on the floor .

this is my favourite photo of Daisy i think Ive ever taken, i love it :) it seems to capture her spirit perfectly .

doing a spot of watercolour painting .


  1. great photos, the bucket one is gorgeous.
    love to you special Mama xxxx

  2. awww bless you i bet your finding it hard without much sleep/re-charge batteries...i remember my little one not sleeping well at night for nearly 9 months!...your doing sooo well and those beautiful children are just soooo sweet ;0)xxxx take it easy xxxx and cat nap when u can.

  3. Lovely photos...You are right the bucket one is beautiful!
    I can really relate to the tiredness at the moment so huge hugs to you. You are doing amazingly, look how joyful your children are for a start! I find that making sure we only do one trip out each day helps and steering clear of anything that involves stress, (like shops!)so like you we are mostly going for walks in nature and letting the children play madly out of doors.

    It's really early days for your little Molly, so don't put any pressure on yourself, rest and relax as much as you can. I know how easy it is to feel pressure from the rest of the world to be up and out and doing, but with three youngchildren, just being and taking things slowly is perfect for now in my opnion :) (Willow is 20 months old now and I'm still taking this approach!)

    Love and light
    Gina x

  4. Hope you get some sleep soon, our little lady is also a terrible sleeper and wakes us several times in the night ggggrrr. Even if you can't sleep try and put your feet up every so often to reserve some energy . x
