Thursday 15 September 2011

Blue skys and wonkeyness

 I woke up this morning feeling very down so when i saw the weather outside i knew that a big walk with molly and Doodles was in order to banish any glum feeling . The beautiful blue sky and the rolling hill really helped and was such a refreshing change from wind and rain.
 The leaves are just about starting to change golden yellow.
 Of course this little pixie always manages to cheer me up ,she shouting 'Cheeeeeeeeeese' at the top of her voice in this photo . She loves going for walks she spends ages collecting things along the way, the other day it was stones today yucky brown leaves.
 Doodles loved her long run about across the fields .

 When we got home from our walk i felt energised and as it was so sunny so i finally decided to sand and paint the old brown chair that's been sat in my bedroom for about a year now . It has a twin who was lovingly painted up and loooks sooo pretty so it was this ones turn . Will show of a photo of the finished chair when Ive managed to cover all the dark wood up with B&Q Antique white paint.
 Ive seen this magazine featured in LOADS of blogs so had to have a look for myself and wow i was not disappointed its soooo pretty and inspiring i love it ! and even better every issue comes with a little craft kit with all the materials included to make a mini make .This months was a cute phone cozy but i already have a snugly phone cozy so after much deliberation and stroking of fabrics i decided to use the materials to make a little birdy picture .

                                                   my slightly tatty but well loved phone cozy
 This is what i made with the free kit from Mollie Makes ,i added a couple of bits and did some really wonkey embroidery but i kinda like the wonkeyness and it now has pride of place on the wall in the lounge .


  1. i really feel for you,ive felt like that ,ive had a really low week, think with my daughter starting school its made me a little lost in myself!...thick clouds seem to weighing on my shoulders and i hate that!...think its always a tough time on us mummys...i decided to go for a good walk too, find it clears my head a little, fresh air is always a good tonic. its very pretty this time of year the season of golds and crunchy leaves beneath your feet.
    your little one is s sweet heart.

  2. I used to stop by and hadn't realized you'd started blogging again!! so nice to see you back, although it's been awhile and i just haven't seen it :) molly is huge! Last time I had checked your blog she was a newborn i think!

    Getting out and walking is always a good mind clearer. i need to do it more. And I love that wonky embroidery too, it shows it was made with love :)

  3. Cute birdie art. :)
    The walk you went on looks lovely. X

  4. your stitching looks lovely and so did your walk!

  5. Hello, just a wee hi to say I like your blog. Do you remember the bisto ad when the kids followed the smell of the gravy? I feel like that with the smell of Autumn, as soon as the door opens and I smell the air, I have to get out. No matter how in a funk you feel, a walk can usually help a bit eh?
