Sunday 19 July 2009

fighting off flu with a big stick

Well its been a horrid week me and Andy and the pixies have all come down with suspected swine flu ,what we thought was just a bad cold got worse and worse .Andy started worrying about me so made me phone NHS Direct which finally led to a middle of the night diagnosis from a nurse who wanted to get my GP to give me Tamiflu !? which there was no way i was going to take .
So decided to fight it off with lots of fruit and water and watching Shrek on dvd :)
The pixies didn't seem to have it anywhere near as bad as me and Andy which was a massive relief ,they just had to put up with very tired ,achy mummy and daddy who have lived in their Jammie's all week :)
This was our first trip to the park in a over a week and the pixies had a wonderful time playing football with daddy and running about ......

and rolling down hills.....

but most of all enjoyed splashing in the big puddles. Daisy did a very flexible yoga move while stood in this puddle and dipped her head in the puddle, our camera is slowly falling to bits so i couldn't get a photo of it :(

if you look reeeeeeeeeeeallly closely you can just about see my iccle baby bump :) i had a very vivid dream that baby is born at 36wks and 3 days on a Wednesday weighing 6lbs and is a boy and we call him Talasin ! Andys written it on the calendar to see if it comes true :)

This was the biggest puddle EVER ! and the pixies got soaked running and jumping in it but they absolutely loved it !

muddy free range pixies x


  1. hope youre all feeling better soon, lovely puddle pictures xx

  2. Hope you all will feel better soon. Did you enjoyed the creative family book?


  3. Sorry to hear you've been unwell. Hope things start to look up for you soon. Aren't pregnancy dreams amazing :)

  4. Love the baby bump!
    Hope you are feeling a bit better now.
    Pregnancy dreams are great aren't they? Apart from the ones where baby is born and is a puppy...
    Best wishes.

  5. hope your all feeling a little better now. bump looks gorgeous. we love puddles too

  6. Can definately see you blooming ;)

    Hope every one is feeling tip top again now.

  7. Looks like you have well and truely beaten away the nasty bug. Love the pics and little bump is gorgeous. How exciting about the dream!

  8. How are you all feeling now hon? xxx
