Wednesday 8 April 2009

Hes down by the lake eatting Gruffalo cake

Yesterday morning we went along to a event organised by the Wildlife Trust called 'Wildplay' in our local park ,We had to get into groups and do tasks one of which was making a picture of a bird there was also a Easter egg hunt and decorating wood and a bug hunt .It was fun but i wasn't very impressed with the lack of respect for nature as hordes of children trampled the plants and picked all the Daffodils and collected 'bugs' weren't put back where they were found. It got so bad the park keepers came over and had a grumble at the organisers so we left early a little disappointed .

Ben in a box watching daddy cook tea.

Ben's birthday castle.

Well the Gruffalo cake as you can see didn't quite turn out as good as we hoped lol

Ben more importantly was very pleased with it and when i asked him what it was he said it was a gruffalo ! so success.

Enjoying a slice of gruffalo cake ,he got the skeleton top today from my friend Rannia ,it glows in the dark so Ben has spent quite a while in the under stairs cupboard watching his top glow.


  1. wow i think your gruffalo cake is fantastic xxx happy birthday ben x

  2. Yes, great cake!

    Where is Ben's castle from, is it the Myriad one?

    Gina xxx

  3. Glad you like our cake lol

    we got bens castle off Ebay (pre-loved) its the Pintoy castle and is really good quality and a smidge cheeper than Myriad :)x

  4. I'll have to keep a look out on ebay then. Mia and tarka would love a castle :)

    Gina xxx

  5. the gruffalo cake looks fab, well done :)
    Charlie would also love a castle, it looks like Ben had an amazing birthday.

    sue xx
