Wednesday 8 April 2009

Spiderman's adventures in the park

Looking for bumble bees .

I think somebody got up too early.

Spiderman by the Roses

Doodles having a 'happy dog' moment as we call it, she went mad rolling about in the sun much to Daisy amusement.

Ben thought it looked like fun so had a roll about too.

Ben had a brainwave and thought Spiderman might like a ride on Doodles back so attached him to Doodles harness. Doodles didn't mind and was quite happy to run about with her superhero passenger which had Ben in fits of giggles .

We really do have the best doggy in the world :) there isn't many dogs that would let Spiderman hitch a lift.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo of Doodles rolling excitedly lol!

    Gina xx
